Youth Fellowship
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the
believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
-1 Timothy 4:12
At the Holy Trinity Church Aurangabad we have a very robust and active youth. It consists of
approximately 20 members and we work together in fellowship to do Gods will. Under the leadership
of our President Simon Awhad and the support of our youth director Dr. Selvam Daniel. We are able
to conduct many activities that bring smiles to both ours as well as the faces of different sections of
our community. We work hand in hand with the Sunday School to organise Vacation Bible School.
To increase the bond among the members of our youth we go out on various excursion.
Various Activities:
- Ample Christian movie screenings are organized as ice-breakers and for personal interaction through
a fun spiritual way.
- In collaboration with the Holy Trinity Church women’s wing the youth help in contributing to the
Sisters of Charity, the necessary items of food and clothing.
- The youth performs afforestation to keep Holy Trinity Church environment and the climate of the
planet green and healthy.
- Holy Trinity Church decoration and participation in the carol singing programmes organized by
various churches and the YMCA to get into the Festive spirit.
- Youth Sundays are organized on every 5 th Sunday of a month when ever it occurs, during which the
church service is conducted by the youth members and turns are taken to give the sermon too.
- During the cottage prayer meetings of the lent season, the youth takes up the duty of giving
messages of the life of Jesus during the days of lent.
- The youth puts up various Christmas skits to glorify the name of the Lord.
Simon Awhad Lokesh Mitra
Akshay Awhad Anupriya Mitra
Neil Thomas Marvin Joseph
Noel Thomas Reah Daniel
Rebekah Daniel Aaron Parmal
Christine Jonathan Mahima Nikalje
Sakshi Natkar Grace Mani
Reena Kumar Jasintha Kumar
Anushka Gaikwad Ashwin Gaikwad
Arpita Shinde
Membership is open to all youth of faith who is a full communicant member of the Holy Trinity
Church Aurangabad. No monthly subscription is collected. The Executive Board consists of the
President, Secretary who are elected periodically as per the rules of the Church.
Weekly Meet: On Sunday after Church
President: Simon Awhad